SBI has an open data which gives the details of salary of its all employees whether clerical , officers, board of directors, specialists, contractual, and many more.
For knowing the details follow these steps:
1. Visit this link
2. Select the Cadre viz for which category you want to search like officers, clerical, specialists, etc.
3. After selecting the Cadre select the designation. Eg - For Officers there are designations like Assistant Manager, Deputy Manager, Chief Manager, AGM, etc.
4. After this fill in the text or number in the box.
5. After doing this all click submit.
You will get the details of the salary of
SBI employees.
For knowing the details follow these steps:
1. Visit this link
2. Select the Cadre viz for which category you want to search like officers, clerical, specialists, etc.
3. After selecting the Cadre select the designation. Eg - For Officers there are designations like Assistant Manager, Deputy Manager, Chief Manager, AGM, etc.
4. After this fill in the text or number in the box.
5. After doing this all click submit.
You will get the details of the salary of
SBI employees.
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